Improve your Burpee

Burpees are a popular and effective full-body exercise that can help improve cardiovascular fitness, strength, and endurance. Suppose the goal of performing burpees is to complete as many repetitions as possible in a given amount of time, usually one minute. Performing burpees at pace can be challenging, requiring physical and mental skills.

First and foremost, improving physical fitness is crucial for faster burpee performance. Regular strength training, including squats, lunges, and push-ups, can increase muscle strength and power, which is necessary for explosive movements like the jump in a burpee. Additionally, incorporating a cardio workout, such as a high-intensity interval training (ICE) session, can help improve endurance, which is essential for performing burpees for an extended period.

Include a few exercises in a training program that target speed in burpee performance.:

  1. Plyometric exercises: Plyometric exercises, such as box jumps or jump squats, can help improve explosive power, which is necessary for the leap in a burpee.

  2. Sprints: Short bursts can help improve speed and cardiovascular endurance, which is beneficial for performing burpees faster.

  3. Burpee intervals: Performing sets of burpees with short rest intervals can help improve both speed and endurance.

Incorporating these exercises into a training program, regular strength training, and cardio workouts can help improve overall fitness and burpee performance.

Remember mobility and flexibility if you want to improve your burpee speed! Dynamic stretches in a proper warm-up can prepare your body for the intense movements in burpees. Incorporating mobility exercises like hip openers and shoulder stretches can also enhance your range of motion, helping you perform burpees with proper form and reducing the risk of injury.

Aside from physical fitness, mental skills such as focus and determination are essential for faster burpee performance. Mental toughness separates the good from the great athletes, and burpee performance is no exception. Maintaining focus and pushing through discomfort is crucial for maximising performance and achieving higher repetitions.

One way to improve mental toughness is through visualisation. Visualising oneself performing burpees quickly and efficiently can help build confidence and reduce anxiety. Additionally, using positive self-talk and focusing on small accomplishments during the workout can help keep the mind focused and motivated.

In summary, enhancing burpee performance speed necessitates combining physical and mental skills. Consistent cardiovascular and strength training, as well as mobility and flexibility exercises, can improve physical fitness. Cognitive skills such as focus, determination, and visualisation can help improve mental toughness. By combining these strategies, individuals can enhance their burpee performance and attain their fitness objectives.

I trust this information is helpful. Remember that while theory is essential, practical experience is crucial to comprehend it truly. Incorporating all the suggestions mentioned above, our ICE sessions are designed to help you achieve your desired results.

-Hamish Creighton
Owner of Creighton Personal Training.